High Density Spray Foam
Ultra-Thane high density spray are two-component, non fire-rated, waterblown structural polyurethane foams in various 4 lb., 6 lb., and 8 lb. formulas, which can rigidize flat or curved surfaces to enhance its load bearing properties.
Ultra-Thane 400, 600, and 800 are fast curing, closed cell foams which can be processed through standard spray polyurethane foam equipment.
High density foam should be installed maximum 0.5” to 1” pass thicknesses depending on the density and type of substrate to avoid exotherm issues. Ultra-Thane High density foams may require substrate primer or abraded surface to achieve good adhesion.

Available Products
Ultra-Thane 400 is a two-component, spray-in-place closed-cell, high-density polyurethane foam insulation with nominal 4 pcf core density providing enhanced structural performance.
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Ultra-Thane 600 is a two-component, spray-in-place closed-cell, high-density polyurethane foam material with nominal 6 pcf core density providing excellent structural performance.
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Ultra-Thane 800 is a two-component, spray-in-place closed-cell, high-density polyurethane foam material with nominal 8 pcf core density providing strongest structural performance.
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